8 Inspiring Quotes From 'The Father of Advertising' David Ogilvy

8 Inspiring Quotes From 'The Father of Advertising' David Ogilvy

For advertising agencies, the most famous agency Ogilvy & Mather wouldn't be new name. The ad company named Hewitt, Ogilvy, Benson & Mather (which eventually became Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide) was started in the year 1947 by Ogilvy. Known as the “Father of Advertising,” David Ogilvy has rightly proved that big journeys begin with small steps. So far, the path of success for the mastermind has been tumultuous one as before becoming an inspirational businessman, he worked as a chef, a door-to-door, a farmer and even conducted research in the movie industry. Despite all his struggles, these jobs taught him valuable lessons on 'salesmanship.'

With his business acumen for ads and an impeccable creative thinking, the advertising tycoon created some of the most iconic marketing campaigns for Schwepps, Rolls Royce, the island of Puerto Rico and how can one forget the legendary ad campaign done for the Hathaway Shirt.

He was acknowledged as “the most sought-after wizard in today’s advertising industry” by Time magazine in 1962.

Below are some of the inspiring quotes by the business tycoon:

1. Audience spend very limited time on a particular ad, so it is better to strike the right chord to engage them.


2. Prospects show more interest in ad content which are specific. Make sure you bring specificity in every aspect of your creative process.


3. Informative & to-the-point ads are consumed better by target audience and they are likely to have an influential impact on consumer behaviour as well.


4. When it comes to creatively selling a product or a service, think of creating an ad content and design which is insightful, intriguing & connects with your audience.


5. Want to connect with the right target audience? It is important that you research about your consumers likes, wants, behaviour and speech so as to create headlines that persuades them. Ogilvy always believed in studying consumer behaviour and psychology before creating any ad.


6. Make sure your headlines are simple, as tricky titles are always ignored. Nearly 8 out of 10 people tend to focus more on a 'title.'


7. There are times when your ad may not generate the amount of interest you had expected. Perhaps you need to nurture them in a different way & testing is the only way to figure out what’s not working, why, and how to fix it.


8. Researching about buyer persona is very important, even Ogilvy believed in doing so.

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