Type Of Email Marketing Campaigns

Type Of Email Marketing Campaigns

The internet is swarming with tips, tricks, and suggestions about how to design beautiful emails. While a lot of marketers seem to understand the basics like a personalized copy, make the call-to-action pop, segment your list, etc. Many email marketing agencies still overlook an important component of effective email marketing: emails also need to have visual appeal. Oftentimes, marketers do give a lot of thought to email design when it comes the time to launch a campaign. It makes perfect sense: You have an awesome new announcement or event, and you want to kick off the campaign right with a darn good looking email.

Email marketing company follow a list of how to optimize and send each type of email marketing according to what fits the brand, here are a few:


### Welcome Emails -


Initial contact with prospects typically finds them unready to do business. Research shows that only 25% of leads are immediately sales-ready, while 50% of leads are qualified but not yet ready to buy. Nurturing, therefore, is critical for pushing your leads closer to the buying stage. Welcome emails show better open and click-through rates when they offer a personal touch and introduce your organization without slathering on the sales pitch. Don’t introduce a new product or service before you’ve built a relationship. Simply work on giving off a good first impression that illustrates your industry knowledge and expertise and paves the way for future contact.


### The Standard Promotional Campaign -


This is the most common of the email marketing campaigns and probably the one most familiar to you. Chances are you have a promotional email from a brand in your inbox right now or a few dozen. These are often less strategic or systematic than we’d like to see. They are kind of like machine-gun fire, showing up in inboxes over and over again with a kind of rat-a-tat-tat repetition that never changes. That’s not what we encourage to think these campaigns through.


### Product Update Email -


Product emails are tricky. People generally don't want to receive these often, and they're typically not as interesting or engaging as something like an offer email. That said, it's important to keep these emails simple and straightforward.


### Email Newsletters -


Many businesses and organizations send email newsletters to stay on top of the minds of their recipients. Most industrial businesses use email newsletters as the foundation of their email marketing program because they are great tools for educating customers and prospects about your business, as well as showcasing employee profiles, company passion projects, and relevant graphics.


### The Seasonal Campaign -


Branching off the promotional email marketing is the seasonal campaign. On any major holiday, you can most likely launch email marketing. From Valentine’s Day to less popular campaigns, but still highly effective, on Father’s Day. These types of email marketing campaigns can have a buildup before the event and a follow-up after, meaning you have several opportunities to send an email.

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